Setting up Purchase Approval Levels

In order to specify the cost band under which a Purchase Approver can approve or reject incoming orders, you will need to create Purchase Approval Ranges under Settings > Purchase Approval Ranges.

To add a new range, enter your lower and upper values under the Add a New: Purchase Approval Range panel. For example, for a Purchase Approver that is allowed to approve orders within the £1,000.00 – £9,999.99 band, set your lower value as 1000 and your upper value as 9999.

N.B. Values are inclusive. E.g. Lower Value of £1,000.00 and Upper Value of £9,999.99 means any Requisition order of £1,000.00 to £9,999.99 will fall into this Purchase Approval Range.

If you are setting up your highest band, you should consider whether or not you’d like this to be infinite if you want the Purchase Approver with the highest approval authority to be able to approve orders of any value above the lowest value of the highest range. For example, if you want your approver with the highest authority to be able to approve any order over £10,000.00, then you can set your lowest value as 10000 and tick the Make Infinite ∞ checkbox.

If you always want this range to require a budget holder’s rubber stamp, select the Always requires Budget Holder’s Rubber Stamp checkbox.

Underneath you can specify the number of Purchase Approvers that can be assigned this range.

Once you are happy with the information you have entered, click Add.

Allocating your Purchase Approvers

Click here for help on how to allocate Purchase Approvers.