Only tasks with hours can be allocated using the Resource Scheduler. The tasks in the schedule template are automatically populated with hours when a job is created. Hours can also be added to tasks manually.

Schedule Templates

  • Schedule templates can be set up to include hours for tasks, and to flag tasks for review.
  • To add duration to tasks on the Schedule Template, click Edit next to the task, and amend the number of hours under the Duration (Hours) column. Press Update.
  • To flag a task, click Edit next to it, and tick the box under Flag. Press Update.
  • Flagging a task will create an indicator on the Schedule tab, prompting the user to check the job schedule.
  • For more information on managing Schedule Templates, please see our Create and Edit Schedule Templates support article or contact our support team.

For more information on managing Schedule Templates, please see our Create and Edit Schedule Templates support article.

Allocating hours to tasks through the job bag

Hours can be added to existing tasks, or when creating new tasks in the Job Bag Schedule tab.

  • To amend the hours against a task, click the Edit button to the right hand side of it, and change the hours.
  • You can also click the warning symbol next to the Hours field to flag the task.

Allocating tasks using the Resource Scheduler

Users with appropriate permissions can allocate tasks from within the job bag Schedule tab to any of their Team Members in the Resource Scheduler. The Resource Scheduler calendar will include the available hours each day for each member of staff, which will adjust based on tasks and time-off allocated.

NB: Users without the 'Resource Scheduler- Can allocate tasks' permission will be unable to drag and drop tasks in to the calendar. 

Allocating tasks to your team is quick and easy in Resource Scheduler. 

On the left hand side, you will have a list of tasks. 

  1. Simply drag and drop these to the relevant team member, and adjust the number of hours if required. 
  2. A pop-up box will display details and duration of the task. If the whole task is to be allocated as it is, click Save, and it will be allocated straight away.
  3. If the task is to be split between two team members or dates, you can amend the task hours and then click Save
  4. As not all of the hours have been used, the task will remain in the Resource Scheduler for the remaining hours, to be allocated to a new date or another team member.
  5. The pop-up box will also allow you to select a priority level for the task. Choose between Normal, High and Urgent. Tasks will then appear in the calendar in priority order. 

            NB: Any existing tasks where the deadline has been missed will display the warning sign icon. These tasks will take                   priority over the tasks marked as Urgent. 

You can extend the due date of a task by clicking into one of the tasks from the calendar view and amending the date in the pop-up box. 

  • This will also change the task due date within the schedule tab of the job itself. If the task has been split across multiple people/days this will also be amended within the Resource Scheduler.

You can complete hours by clicking on the entry in the Resource Scheduler, and ticking the Complete box.

  • If this was all the hours allocated, there will also be a Complete Task tick box.
  • If there are other hours allocated, these can be marked as Complete as they are done. When all the hours are completed, the Complete Task tick box will be available.

You can refresh the page using the reload icon whilst in Resource Scheduler, allowing you to quickly view any changes that have occurred whilst you have been working. 

Filtering the page by Project and / or Job will highlight the associated tasks in yellow.

Expired Tasks

Expired tasks which have not yet been allocated will still appear on the scheduler however they will be greyed out. This is so the user does not lose track of expired tasks. In order to update the date you must go into the job and move the due date of the task to the present/future. You will then be able to allocate the tasks again within the scheduler. 

Linking to Timesheets 

Users can link their completed tasks with timesheets.

  1. Click on the task in Resource Scheduler

  2. Tick the Complete box, and you will have an option to assign a Timesheet Type. 

If you do not have this feature in Panacea Software, please contact our support team about getting this set up. 

Task Contacts

You can change your task contact to match the name of the person assigned to the task on Resource Scheduler by ticking the change task contact option, and clicking Submit