The Charging module on Panacea Software streamlines the charging of your services by batching all required details for transfer to your finance system to process charging for internal clients and invoicing for external customers.

The batch format can be configured for your finance system, and batch generation and transfer can be automated and scheduled to meet your requirements.  We recommend automation of this process as this substantially reduces your administration time and improves cash-flow as your invoices and charging journals are processed without the need for manual intervention.

Alternatively, you can manually generate batch files to export as and when needed:

Create a new batch

  • Go to Reports in the left hand menu
  • Select  Charging Export
  • Click the Problem jobs button to find any issues requiring attention before charging
  • If you run more than one type of charging batch file (e.g. for internal and external clients)  select the required option from your drop-down list
  • Preview batch to check you are happy with the jobs and costs to be charged
  • Create new batch batch to generate the batch file
  • Review the batch file and upload confirmation of your approval to process the batch
  • Click Create export file and download or email the batch file for processing
  • Once you or your finance team has successfully processed the batch file for for invoicing or charging click Set all charged. 
  • Set all charged  is an important final step to prevent the batch file from being accidentally deleted, and to allow you report correctly on the charging status of your work.

NB: Charging batch files include all approved costs on completed jobs which are not already in a batch file, and which are not in the Problem List

Deleting a batch

It is very important that you never delete a batch file which has been processed for invoicing or charging as this will allow duplicate charges. Only delete a batch file if you need to resolve an issue on a job included in the batch file, BEFORE it is imported or processed, e.g. if you spot an error before processing the batch, or if an incorrect code prevents your batch from being imported into your finance system.  

  • Delete a batch only if you have not processed any of the jobs within it for charging or invoicing.  This will allow you to correct any error identified BEFORE processing this batch, and, once fixed, you can generate a new batch, which will include all approved costs and jobs from the deleted batch, together with any which have subsequently been completed and not yet charged.

To delete a batch:

  • Go to the Charging screen
  • Click on the batch you wish to delete, which will take you to a screen with the batch details.
  • At the bottom of the screen there will be a Delete button. Click this to delete the batch. Please make sure you really want to delete the batch before you do this.