Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to check and edit artwork as part of the order acceptance process.


Once your client has submitted an order for customisable artwork, you can check the artwork, amend it, and mark the final proof as approved. 


1. Accept the order as normal by selecting it under 'New requests to be processed.'

  • On the order details screen, you can click on the artwork file to view it 

2. Once you have accepted the order, you can make amendments to the artwork, or stamp it as approved within the 'Documents' tab.


3. Selecting 'Edit Artwork' will open up a new box with all of the information and elements previously entered by the client. These can be amended, and a new file created by clicking 'Create Artwork.'


4. You will be able to preview the artwork, and make further amendments if required.

  • There will now be two files listed in your 'Documents' tab. 

5. Click 'Stamp Artwork Approved' if you are happy with the artwork. They system will automatically create a file for the final artwork.