Once the deadline has passed for a quote, the quote will be closed and locked.

  • To re-open the quote go to the cost tab of the job. You will see a padlock icon next to the cost. Click the Quotation Reminder button.
  • The quotation email will open. Here you can add a message to your suppliers.
  • Update the quote deadline.
  • Tick which supplier you would like to resend the quote to.
  • When you click send, the quote will be re-opened and the suppliers will receive an email.

IMPORTANT - Re-opening Quotes with Files Attached: 

If reopening a Quote Request with attachments any new documents along with the previously sent documents must be attached before completing the updated request. Any documents not re-attached will not be visible to the suppliers when submitting their quotes.

If users cannot see quotes in the Quote Requests screen there could be a couple of reasons for this:

  1. The quote has closed or expired
    1. Every quote has an expiry deadline that you set when you email the suppliers. If this has passed the quote will close and suppliers will no longer be able to submit prices. 
  2. The job may be cancelled or closed
    1. When a job is ticked as cancelled or closed any outstanding quote requests will be cancelled. You can reopen a job as long as it has not been charged or invoiced. 
    2. To check go to the 'Main details' tab of the job bag, at the bottom of the screen you will be able to see the status of the job.
    3. If the job is Completed or Cancelled untick the box and 'Update' the job. You will then need to resend a quote reminder to suppliers, at which point suppliers will be able to see and submit a quote request.