For published Questionnaires, you are able to view the current status of supplier participation.

To open the Participation screen, head to Supplier Management > Participation

You can also access this screen via a Requirement if you're looking for participation for a specific Questionnaire.

  • Open the Requirement the Questionnaire's published in, and go into the RFX tab. 
  • Next to the Questionnaire, click on the icon portraying a group of people. This will show participation for this Questionnaire.

Participation Screen

This lists the participation from suppliers for Questionnaires published on your site.

N.B. You can only view supplier participation for all Questionnaires if you have the relevant permissions. Otherwise, you will only be able to view participation for Questionnaires on Requirements that you're a Contract manager or Procurement person on.

When selecting a option with a drop-down menu, you can type for keywords to find what you're looking for.

  • The Questionnaire column lists the name of the Questionnaire the participation is for
  • The Attempt column shows which attempt number the suppliers participation is for
  • The Close Date column lists the closing date of the Questionnaire
  • The Supplier column names the Supplier Organisation. 
    • You can click on a suppliers name to be taken to the Organisation details page.
    • From here, you can click into the Goods and Services tab and click View History at the bottom to view the suppliers qualification history.  This helps in record keeping as it shows the name of the evaluator and qualification details.
  • The Status column allows you to monitor the current position of the suppliers participation for each Questionnaire published:
    • Response Not Started - Supplier has not started filling in Questionnaire.
    • Response In Progress - Supplier has started filling in Questionnaire.
    • Response Submitted - Supplier has submitted the Questionnaire and is awaiting evaluation.
    • Evaluation In Progress - Suppliers' responses are being evaluated.
    • Pending Qualification - Responses have been evaluated, and are waiting to be qualified.
    • Qualified - Supplier has been qualified and you can then review the answers provided by the supplier.
    • Rejected Disqualified - Supplier has been disqualified based on answers provided. They will need to participate again if they wish to re-apply.
    • Participation Requested - If supplier has requested permission to participate a Questionnaire.
    • Rejected Participation Denied - When a supplier has been denied permission to participate in a Questionnaire.
    • Opted Out - Supplier has opted to not partake in a Questionnaire and will be prompted to provide a reason.
  • The Actions column has the Action button, which allows you to:
    • Review Answers - View the suppliers answers if they have submitted their responses, and the bid opening date has passed.
    • Evaluators Score Report - Download a spreadsheet of the Evaluators Score Report once the suppliers response has started to be evaluated (only accessible if the user has the Qualify Suppliers permission)
  • You can filter Participation by Questionnaire, Supplier and Status at the top of the page.
  • You can tick Include Expired to show Participation for Questionnaires that have expired and closed
  • You can also filter Participation by:
    • Live- questionnaires that remain(ed) live and published
    • Uninvited - suppliers who were invited to Participate in a questionnaire and were then uninvited
    • Withdrawn- suppliers who participated in a questionnaire that was then withdrawn
  • The Download button allows you to download an excel spreadsheet which shows all the information from the selected filters.