Reports > Performance > Click report in the Client Feedback section of the page.


What does this Report do/show?

This report shows feedback left by client users.

It includes the number of jobs where feedback was requested and how many jobs have had feedback submitted against.


There is a breakdown of how satisfied clients were with different aspects of their experiences as percentages.


For each job with feedback, the job number and job title are included, along with how satisfied the client was and any comments that they left.

There is also the option to create a list of jobs where no response has been submitted by a client. Click Show No Response Jobs at the bottom of the page to view this list.



You may filter by the following options for a more specific report.

  • Values to report on – include only feedback where the client selected:
    • Very satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
    • Dissatisfied
    • Very dissatisfied
  • Job type
  • Project manager
  • Print buyer
  • Client contact
  • Designer
  • Communications officer