Reports > Use of Catalogue Items


What does this Report do/show?

This report shows which catalogue items are being used to place orders by different users.

It includes client organisation/department/section/contact, the number of uses of items for each, what those items were and how many orders there were by each contact of each item.


The summary report shows the number of uses for each item.

The detailed report shows the number and title of the job the cost was added to.



You may filter by the following options for a more specific report.

  • Client organisation/department/section/contact
  • Category selection – use arrows to select categories from the catalogue
  • Available items selection – use arrows to select available items
  • Date range
  • Report level
    • Summary – just number of uses
    • Detailed – includes jobs costs were added to
  • Report type
    • Actual – includes costs which are Approved and Paid
    • Projected - includes costs which are Approved but not yet paid