Document Slots are created via Settings > Organisation Document Slots. This page will allow you to create new document slots, edit & delete existing data slots. More information on Document Slots can be found here

N.B - please proceed with extreme caution of choosing to delete a document slot. Please ensure that the document slot is not currently being used in any Questionnaires etc. Once a document slot is deleted, this cannot be reversed

If you amend a Document Slot after publishing a Questionnaire (where it is linked), then the change is reflected in all unsubmitted responses.

Adding a new Document Slot

  • Head to Settings > Organisation Document Slots
  • Click "Add a New Slot"
  • For each slot (new or editing) you have the following options:
    • Document Slot Name - The name of the file as it will appear to suppliers/key users
    • Expires - Tick this if you wish to have an expiry date so that the file can be triggered in the Expiry Document Workflow
      • You will then be asked to provide a label for the expiry to let suppliers/key users know what this relates to
    • Include Number input field - Tick this if you wish for the supplier/key user to provide a number along with this document
      • You can customise the name of the number field, set if it should use a currency symbol, decimals, use a 1000 separator, and allow negative numbers.
    • Visible to Organisations (where the permission is turned on) - Tick this if you want the document to be visible to suppliers via Participate > Documents
      • This will allow suppliers to upload documents to this document slot outside of a Questionnaire
      • If this is un-ticked, the Document slot will only be visible to Key Users via the Organisation page > "Document slots" tab
    • Conditional (Only visible to suppliers if they have provided the document in a questionnaire response) 

      • When this option is picked, this means the Document will only appear to suppliers in their "Document Slots" screen once they have provided a document for that slot within a questionnaire response.
      • For a Key User when viewing via the Organisation profile, these document slots, again, will only appear once the supplier has provided a document for that slot within a questionnaire response.
      • This option can therefore be used for document slot where you only want it visible to suppliers when relevant to a questionnaire they are undertaking. This will help keep Document slots more tidy and relevant for suppliers and Key Users when reviewing.
  • Click "+Add" to add the new Document Slot
  • If you are editing an existing document slot, click Update

Editing an existing Document Slot

A Key User will be able to edit a Document Slot when:

  • The Slot is empty (no organisations have filled it in, either the Supplier themselves or a Key User on their behalf) 


  • The Slot is not on a published Tender Questionnaire or published Research Questionnaire. 

If the above criteria is correct:

  • Click on the relevant Document Slot
  • Edit any of the fields as outlined above then click "Update"
  • You can also delete a Document Slot by clicking the "Remove Slot" button

If the above criteria does not stand, there will be a warning alert saying 'This slot is in use and cannot be edited'. 

Organising the order of Document Slots
You have the option to rearrange the order in which Document Slots appear for Suppliers (if they've been made visible) in the Participate > Organisation Document Slots screen.

  • Drag and drop the Document Slots to reorder them by using the buttons on the left-hand side of each one