You can send an Ad-Hoc Notification to any associated users within a Requirement. This is useful for if you want to send a one-off notification that's linked to a Requirement.

If a recipient clicks on the notification, they will be brought to the linked Requirement (subject to the recipients permissions).

Send an Ad-Hoc Notification

  • Head to Sourcing > Requirements, and click on the relevant Requirement.
  • Click on the 'Cog' icon in the top right-hand corner.
  • Select the option for "Send ad-hoc Notifications". This will open up a pop-up window from which you can enter the details of the Notification:
    • Iconselect an Icon that will appear on the Notification.
    • Titletitle of the Notification. This appears as a heading on the notification.
    • Descriptionlengthier text that can be used to explain the notification or prompt recipients to action. 
    • Recipientsselect the users you wish to send the Notification to. This can be any named user on the Requirement.
      • Click on Recipients to select the desired users.
      • You can filter the users that are displayed by Group or Organisation.
      • You can individually select users to add, or select all that you've filtered to.
      • Click "Add" to add the selected users to the Recipient list. This users will then be listed on the right-hand side. 
      • You can only add a max of 20 recipients. If you need to send to more users, you'll need to send separate Notifications.
      • Once you have selected all your desired recipients, click "Set Selected"
  • Once you've entered all the above detail, click "+Send". The notification will then appear for all selected recipients.

If you wish to send a scheduled or recurring notification for a Requirement, you can do so by setting up a Reminder. Please see here for guidance on setting up Reminders.