Creating a large volume of requirements one-by-one can oftentimes be quite time consuming for our key users. To streamline this process and reduce the number of clicks and page redirecting, we have added a feature to bulk import requirements with the assistance of a master template where all consolidated data can be implemented onto our software to create multiple requirements at once.

Importing Requirements

You can import requirements by going to Sourcing > Requirements and clicking on the "Import Requirements" button in the top-right corner.

On this page, you will be presented with 3 buttons:

Download Excel Template

You can download a master template in xlsx (Excel) format where you can input all data necessary to create a requirement. Please ensure that for column D and E, IsSuitableForSme and IsSuitableForVco, you input only "y" or "n" otherwise the input will not be recognised as a valid value.

Import From Excel 

Using the master template, you can generate multiple requirements with the information provided in the spreadsheet by clicking 'Import from excel'

You will then be presented with a screen presenting you with the different requirements from the excel template that will show you whether they are valid or not. From this screen you can:

  • +Add further requirements by clicking on this button. For further details to guide you on how to create a requirement, please click here.

  • Edit the requirements on the page by clicking on them and inputting/amending the information. 

  • Export to Excelif you aren't ready to import the requirements yet. This will allow you to save your progress on an excel sheet which you can re-import when ready to continue.

  • Resetto wipe the screen and start again. 

  • Remove all Invalid Requirements to remove only those requirements that do not have all the mandatory fields filled or have some other error. 

  • Import all Valid Requirements - when you are ready to import.