Under the Category Management tab, Key Users with the relevant permissions can bulk manage their Categories (also known as Cost Descriptions) for all their Requirements – this includes dividing contracts into lots. They can also bulk apply changes by selecting multiple Requirements in the table and editing them accordingly.

How to:

  • Head to Sourcing > Category Management - you will be shown Requirements that you can then category manage.
  • You can click Select against any relevant Requirements that you wish to manage, in order to filter out your view. 
    • When you’ve selected your relevant Requirements filter to the ‘Selected’ Option.
  • Then simply add or update your relevant lots/categories with the relevant cost categories (Direct P2P) and/or cost descriptions (Project P2P) where appropriate! 

New Cost Categories for Direct P2P Costs

  • Click +Add a New Cost > Select Cost Category (Direct P2P)

  • Select an Existing Cost Group (or click Add Group if a new Group is needed!)

  • Add the details to create a New Category, and then click +Add Category

New Cost Descriptions for Project P2P Costs

  • If you need to add any new Cost Descriptions first, simply click +Add a New Cost Descriptionin the right corner 
    • Select relevant Cost Stage 
      • Please contact support@panacea-software.com if a new Cost Stage is needed
    • Select the Calculator - please select FixedRate unless you intend to send Quote requests to qualified suppliers at a later point
      • If wanting to send a quote - you first need to create a form for the ‘Quote’ option. See here for more information on formbuilder - quotes. 
    • Description - Name of the Cost description
    • If this is a timesheet cost (where you wish to record time spent against this work) please select and then choose the relevant duration (Hourly/Daily)
    • Provide the relevant finance codes (as has been set up on your site) 
    • Click +Add when ready!