The Comparative Answer Tender Report allows Key Users to see an overview of answers provided by suppliers to the relevant Tender Questionnaire. This can be useful to review when evaluating/making a decision on Price based questions or if wanting to see an overview of all suppliers answers is needed at a later date.

To access this report, head to the RFX tab of the relevant requirement and Tender Questionnaire. 

  • A "Download Comparative Answers Report" button will appear next to the Questionnaire in the RFX tab.
  • Click onto this to generate an excel spreadsheet to see answers submitted by Suppliers to the Tender Questionnaire.
  • Question Types included:
    • Yes/No
    • Text Field
    • Number
    • Multiple Choice

Please note, due to the nature of the report, the following Question types won't be included in the Report:

  • Text Field Plus
  • Text Multiple Fields
  • File Uploads
  • Document Slots
  • Data Slots