
As a Direct-P2P Supplier, you will be able to view, receive and process orders from Buyers. To do this, navigate to Direct P2P > Purchase Items. Here you will see a comprehensive list of all incoming orders.

To view the purchase order, click the file icon dropdown and select Purchase Order.

New orders will have the status Sent and will be at Order stage.

Depending on the workflow that the Panacea site has, requisitioners (buyers) will be able to receipt or reject your order without you having marked it as delivered.

When requisitioners receipt items, this will change the status of those items to Receipted and change the order stage to Delivery. If they are only receipting a portion of the goods received (for instance, if they are unhappy with some of the goods), then this will split the order and create a new entry with a unique Pi number. To view the relationships between split orders, hover your cursor over the diverging arrows icon.

Marking your order as delivered

You can mark your order as delivered by clicking the Delivered button against the Pi entry. This will open a new screen where you can set your delivery date. You can also choose to provide delivery evidence at your discretion.

Sending an Invoice

If the requisitioner has receipted (accepted) the delivery of the goods, then you will be able to send an invoice using the Invoice button on the Pi entry.

Once clicked, you will be taken to the invoicing screen, where you can provide your invoice number, the invoice date and upload scanned evidence.

You can also choose the number of goods you wish to invoice for. This can be used if the requisitioner has partially receipted the order.

Rejected Goods

If the requisitioner has fully or partially rejected your order, then we suggest that you correspond with them using the messaging feature to see what went wrong.