• The supplier logs in and clicks Delivery Confirmation under the Supplier Interface menu.
  • This displays a list of orders that are waiting to be delivered. Click the View button.
  • Enter delivery details, upload scanned image or any confirmation of delivery. Click Confirm.

Note: The Delivery signed for message can be customised for different types of work (e.g. 'Design Approved by’).

A notification will now be sent to the Supplier contact named on the cost, the Finance Contact, and the Primary Contact now that the delivery confirmed for that cost.

If Receipt confirm is enabled, then the above will be notified once the receipt is confirmed. You can choose to enable invoice submission before the goods are confirmed if desired. Please contact the Support Team if you are interested in this.

Note: If the setting for not needing to Confirm Delivery is on, this step will not be relevant. 

  • Instead, after Accepting the order, it will remain in the Live Orders screen and in the Submit Invoice screen, until the Supplier submits the invoice for it. 

Go to Step 3 - Client Confirms Receipt