To add or amend timesheets, click on the +Time icon on the top menu bar. Or navigate to Resource Scheduler  > Timesheet. 

  • If you have administrative access, you will be able to select different Timesheet users in the drop-down menu above the calender. 
  • Timesheets are displayed in a List, Week or Month view, allowing you to quickly view entries at a glance.  
  • Each user's available hours will show at the top of each day. The available hours will adjust as the day is populated with Timesheet entries. 
  • If the number of available hours is exceeded, then a negative figure will be displayed in red. 


Creating a Timesheet entry

  • To add entries in List View, click on the clock icon at the top of each day. To add in Calendar view, simply click the date you wish to create an entry for.
  • Fill in the details of the timesheet and click Add.
  • You can update or delete timesheets at any time by navigating to the entry.

Timesheet work types

Users with certain administrative privileges will be able to manage the Timesheet Work Types. 

  • Found in Settings > Timesheet Work Types. You can add to these, amend or delete them in this section. 
  • The work types can now also be mapped to Cost Stages, which improves reporting on the Expenditure by Time Report. 
  • To add a new work type, simply enter the name into the available text box, and select the appropriate cost stage, before clicking Add
  • If you have a number of timesheet work types on the system, this section will be below those items.
  • To amend a Timesheet Work Type, click Edit next to the type. You can amend the name and the cost stage.
  • You can also easily delete the work type from this screen. 

N.B. Deleting a Timesheet Work Type will remove it from the system completely, but entries previously made against it will still be included in your reporting.

If you're looking at how to submit Timesheets for T&I work, please see here