Asset Managers have access to Asset Settings. From here the asset manager can configure Categories, Tags and the Metadata you collect at the point of importing assets. The Asset Manager also has access to Asset settings that relate to the import screen.


From the left hand menu options, click on Digital Assets > Asset Settings. The Asset Manager will then be able to click through the two different tabs: Tags & Other.


Adding and managing Categories


1. Use the Search or scroll bar to check the category does not already exist. 

2. Click on New to add a Category.  

3. Type in the Category name. Tick the mandatory category box to make the category mandatory. Tick the Allow Multiple            Selection box to allow importers to make multiple selections. Tags are displayed in list form - to adjust the layout and              make best use of space you can display your tags over multiple columns. 

4. Finally, click Create.


Adding and managing Tags

1. Select the Category for which you want to add a tag to.

2. A New button will appear beneath the tag box, click on it. 

3. Enter the Tag name and click Select.



Edit/Delete a Category or Tag

1. Click on the Category or Tag you want to edit. 

2. Then click the Edit button.

3. You can either Delete or Edit and Update the category/ tag.


This page allows the Asset Manager to configure the import screen based on what information you want to collect from the Importer. The Asset Manager can:

  • Untick the box(s) under the Visible heading this will then remove the option from the Asset Import Screen
  • Edit the Label names and also change the max character length of the Title and Description of the Asset
  • Change the default Expiry period of the Asset.

Click Save to save any changes.