You can find details of your completed orders and re-order an item in the 'Completed' tab.

  • Go to the 'Client Interface' > 'Ordering' and select the Completed tab.
  • Click on the Re-order button next to the job you want to re-order.

NB: You can only re-order jobs which have been placed through the Client Catalogue. Jobs which have been placed by Project Managers via the Add Job icon cannot be re-ordered. 

Re-ordering Artwork that was placed through the Client Catalogue 

  • Quantity is retained (editable).
  • Budget code is retained but you will need to re-input the budget code when you get to the checkout tab. This is because there may be multiple items in the basket which require different budget codes.
  • Artwork file with all details are retained (editable).
  • Title is retained (editable).

For Project Managers:

  • When accepting a reorder into a job bag, the job is given a new job number. However, you can view the previous job name and number on the main details page. You also have the ability to view the order you have placed and the option to view jobs in the job list screen. 

Re-ordering a Quote that was placed through the Client Catalogue 

  • Specification notes are retained (editable).
  • Budget code is retained (editable).
  • File(s) uploaded for original order are retained but you cannot upload any further files (NOT editable).
  • Title is retained (editable).

For Project Managers:

  • When accepting a reorder into a job bag, the job is given a new job number. However, you can view the previous job name and number on the main details page.
  • The Project Manager will then need to re-do the workflow process again, i.e. request quotation from supplier, select supplier etc.

How can you view jobs which have been ordered through the Add Job icon in the Client Interface?

  • Jobs which are added by Project Managers via the Add Job icon can be made visible in the 'Completed' tab of the client who the order was placed on behalf of. 
  • To do this, go to the main details tab of the job and tick the box which says 'Show job on client ordering screen'. However, the client contact attached to the job still cannot re-order this item. 

NB: This tick-box is not visible for jobs which have been ordered through the client interface since they are already visible in the completed tab.