Reports Activity by Cost Stage


What does this report do/show? 

This report shows an analysis of expenditure against each cost stage.

It includes supplier type (internal/external), matrix used, the cost description and the supplier cost, mark-up and total cost against each cost stage.

The summary report shows summarised information grouped by cost description.

The detailed report shows expenditure for each cost within each cost description. It includes job number, job title and the supplier used.



You may filter by the following options for more a more specific report.

  • Date range
  • Cost stage
  • Client organisation/department/section
  • Cost/budget code
  • Supplier organisation
  • Supplier type – internal/external
  • Report Level
    • Summary – grouped by cost description
    • Detailed – individual costs
  • Expenditure type
    • Actual Expenditure – includes costs which are Approved and Paid
    • Projected Expenditure – includes costs which are Approved but not yet paid


* Note: if you are opening the report in Excel, you may need to Enable Editing on the report document for job descriptions to display properly.