Reports > Activity by Organisation

What does this report do/show?

This report shows an analysis of expenditure by client organisations.

It includes the client's expenditure (i.e. approved client estimate + markup) and number of jobs ordered for each client organisation/department/section.

These numbers are also displayed as a percentage of the report total.

This information is grouped by client organisation/department/section, with sub-totals displayed for each organisation/department/section.

This report includes completed jobs only


You may filter by the following options for more a more specific report.

  • Cost stage
  • Supplier type – internal/external
  • Charging type – all chargeable or internal/external clients or not chargeable
  • Client organisation
  • Date range
  • Expenditure type
    • Actual Expenditure – includes costs which are Approved and Paid.
    • Projected Expenditure – includes costs which are Approved but not yet paid.