Reports > T&I Booking Report


What does this Report do/show?

This report is a summary of all booking and appointments made within a given date range.

It includes appointment/delivery date, appointment time, job number, job title, client organisation, supplier organisation, booking type (interpreting/translating), language and appointment status.

The detailed report also includes cost stage/description, cost title, postcode, minutes (interpreting), no. of words (translating), cancellation date/time/reason, supplier contact, supplier paid status, invoice export batch date, invoice number, mark-up, client department/section/contact, client fee (inc./exc. travel), charging status, charging batch date, date ordered and charging batch number



You may filter by the following options for a more specific report.

  • Type of work (i.e. translation/interpreting/training)
  • Report type
    • Bookings only
    • All costs (includes other costs such as adjustment costs for travel, etc.)
  • Appointment status
  • Date range (interpreting appointment date / translation delivery date)
  • Order places date range
  • Client organisation/department/section/contact
  • Supplier organisation/contact
  • Project manager
  • Language
  • Supplier paid status
  • Client charged status
  • Report level
    • Summary
    • Detailed