The T&I booking report allows key users, client administrators and client managers to monitor all bookings placed by their organisation, department or team. The report includes many details of each booking which can be used to both, keep on top of bookings, and to provide information for detailed reports.

How to filter the T&I Booking Report

Numerous filters are available to structure your report to help retrieve the required data.

Filter by:

  • Type of work – select from interpreting, translation or all.
  • Report Type: 
    • Bookings Only shows you the interpreting or translation cost.
    • All costs will show you every cost associated to that job.
    •  For example, a translation booking which has been requested to be proof-read. The Bookings Only will just show the translation cost. Whereas All costs will additionally include the proof-reading cost.
  • Appointment Status – please see list below of the meanings of each status.
    • Accepted: Supplier has accepted booking.
    • Awaiting Acceptance: Jobs which have a yellow flag (i.e. jobs which are waiting for the supplier to accept or reject a job).
    • Cancelled: Bookings which have been cancelled.
    • Client Rejected Interpreter Attendance: When the client rejects the suppliers attendance (after the supplier clicked Client did not provide confirmation code).
    • Complete: Jobs that have been ticked complete.
    • Confirmed: These jobs have been accepted by the supplier and have approval from the T&I team.
    • Cost Waiting Client Approval: When the supplier enters travel costs > £5 before the higher costs are approved or denied.
    • Job in Progress: Relates only to Translation jobs when they are in progress.
    • No supplier available: Shows jobs where no supplier is available (red flag jobs). The date range chosen will only show jobs which are to be delivered in this date range, i.e. if no supplier is available for a job ordered in Feb 2020 for March 2020 but you only select the date range of Feb 2020, this job will not show.
    • Not Set: Primarily used for adjustments which are related to interpreting, but not an actual appointment (e.g. where a further payment is due to the supplier).
    • Quote: A supplier has been selected but the cost not yet approved. Black flag.
    • Waiting Client to Confirm Interpreter Attendance: When the supplier has not provided a confirmation code and has clicked Client did not provide confirmation code, jobs will be in this status.
  • Date range – Specify the date range for the reports. These dates refer to the appointment date of the interpreting session and/ or the delivery deadline for the translation work, it is NOT the date when the booking was placed.
  • Order placed date range (Optional) - Specify the date range in which orders were placed.
  • Client details – the department, section or contact can be specified to obtain the bookings made by that particular group or individual.
  • Supplier details - the organisation and/or contact may be specified to view only work where a certain supplier contact/organisation was used.
  • Project Manager - view information on jobs with a specified Project Manger
  • Language – run the report on all languages or specify a single language you would like to run a report on.  
  • Supplier paid - specify to show jobs where suppliers have or have not been paid. 
  • Client charged – this shows you the charging status of the job on Panacea
    • Jobs which are showing they have been charged means that they have been completed and grouped in to a charging batch on Panacea. However, the charging date on Panacea may not be the precise date in which the client is charged. The exact date which the client is charged will be when the finance system has processed the charging batch from Panacea.
  • Report level – select the level of detail you require. Please see below what information each level gives you.

Once you have set the appropriate filters, click ‘Get Report’


What information does the report show you?

Summary report*:

  • Date of appointment/ delivery deadline
  • Time of appointment (interpreting appointments only)
  • Job number and title
  • Client organisation
  • Type of job (interpreting or translation)
  • The language
  • The appointment status

Detailed report*:

In addition, to the information listed above, the Detailed report also shows:

  • The stage and description (interpreting or translating)
  • Title of job placed by client
  • Postcode of the venue for interpreting and delivery address for translation work
  • Minutes of appointment for interpreting, number of words for translations
  • Cancellation date and time
  • Cancellation reason
  • Confirmation Code 
  • Cost Code/ Budget Code/ Purchase Order
  • Client department, section and contact
  • Client fee excluding travel costs
  • Client fee including travel costs
  • If the job has been charged (Y) or not (N), the charging batch date and number
    • This information shows you the charging status of the job on Panacea. However, the date in which a job is put in to a charging batch on Panacea may not precisely reflect the date in which the client is actually charged. This will depend on when the finance system process the charging batch.

*Key users are able to see additional data