N.B. This is an additional module to our Sourcing package. Please submit a request via HQ if you wish to purchase this module for your site. 

Key User's are responsible for managing the eAuction. The Key User hosting the eAuction will receive a notification 30 minutes before the eAuction is due to start as a reminder. The eAuction can be accessed through the RFX tab of the relevant requirement. 

Managing the eAuction:

The Key User running the eAuction has various options at their disposal:

  • Manually start an eAuction before it’s scheduled date/time by clicking the Start button.
  • Pause the eAuction when it’s live by clicking the Pause button.
  • Manually end the eAuction before it’s scheduled end time by clicking the End button.
  • Change the duration of the eAuction.
  • Extend or reduce the duration.
  • Change the Dynamic Close Period (the last minutes in which a winning bid is submitted to automatically extend the duration by 2 minutes).
  • View all Connected Participants (the number of and names of participants that have the eAuction open).
  • Send a message to connected participants.

Live Auction:

This page displays all actions taken during the eAuction: 

  • Each bid placed will be displayed here with the name of the participant, item they bid for and their subsequent rank.
  • When the Auction is started, paused and ends.
  • All messages sent to participants.
  • All messages sent from participants to the host.
  • Changes made to the duration and dynamic close period.
  • Each item is displayed at the bottom of the page with the Current Value, the current leading bid and name of the leading participant (this will just say “Joint Lead” if joint), the amount of savings calculated and the number of bids.

NB: Clicking on the blue highlighted 'Joint Lead' link will display information on all the joint leading bids.

Awarding the winning supplier.

  • Once the eAuction has ended, the Host will need to confirm the winning participant.
  • Click ‘Confirm Winner’ next to each item.
  • The field will automatically be populated with the leading participant, but the host can decide to override this by select a different participant from the drop-down.
  • Only participants that have submitted a bid, including Qualification bid, will be shown.
  • Click ‘Save’