By default, the software will assume suppliers are available for an appointment, unless suppliers indicate they are unavailable. This is to reduce suppliers needing to mark their availability for each day.

How can Key Users indicate when a supplier is unavailable on the calendar? 

1st Option: For when a supplier will NEVER be available on set days/times of the week

If a supplier will never be available on a set day/time (i.e. they don't work on Sundays and so will never be available for an appointment), a Key User can amend when they are Never Available by:

  • Under 'T&I Services', click Non-working Hours.
  • Select the Supplier in the drop-down list
  • Click the relevant day (either All-day, or drag over specific hours)
  • The software will now mark you as Unavailable on these days/times 

Please note, only use this option if you do not work on these days/times on a weekly basis. If you don't work some Sundays, please use the below option.

2nd Option: For when a supplier is not available on specific days/times on a non-weekly basis.

If a supplier will not be available for certain day/times (i.e. going on holiday, only work every other Sunday etc),suppliers can mark their unavailability via the T&I Calendar by:

  • Under 'T&I Services', click Calendar.
  • Select the Supplier in the drop-down list
  • To mark their unavailability , simply click in the appropriate boxes. 
    • Provide the relevant Start and End date & time
    • Specify the reason of the unavailability: Other/ Holiday / Appointment
    • Optional: A note can be added which will be visible to the supplier and Key Users
  • The Calendar's default view is month, but this can be changed to a week or day view by clicking on Week or Day at the top-right of the page. 
  • Suppliers can use the month view to mark their availability for a whole day by clicking on the day, or for an entire period by clicking and dragging across a period of time.  
  • To allocate unavailability for specific hours (e.g. if a supplier is only unavailable in the morning or afternoon) go into the week or day views and click within specific hours. 
    • E.g. If they are unavailable for two hours, say 2pm - 4pm, select the Week or Day view of the calendar and drag your cursor from 2pm to 4pm and specify the reason.