Registering as a new supplier organisation

N.B. This guide is only intended for suppliers belonging to organisations which are not already registered on the website. Please check that there is no one in your organisation who already has access to the site you are trying to register with before using his article. 

Suppliers working as part of an organisation that does not yet have access to an Authority’s Panacea Software portal can register themselves and their organisation by using our “Request a new account” functionality, available to every user from the login screen.

  • Go to Authority’s Panacea login page, where you will see four buttons. Click the “Request a new account” button, the lowest one.
    1. You will be taken to a new page where you are required to input your email address. 
      • N.B. The address you input here will be your site username once your account is fully set up. It will also be where all of your email communications and notifications from the Panacea site will be sent, so you must ensure that you choose an appropriate address which you normally use for work. Please also ensure that you spell and punctuate your address correctly, as you will not be able to proceed with this self-registration process otherwise.
    2. Type your work email address into the space provided and click “Validate”. 
  • An email with the subject line “Panacea User Account Validation” will then be sent to the address you inputted.
    1. Follow the link in the email and fill in the details requested as fully as possible. 
    2. When you are happy with your details, click “Send Request”.
    3. If you have not received the email, please check your Junk folder.
  • You will then receive another email with three further links. 
    1. Follow the first link within 24 hours of receipt to check, amend, and confirm your organisation details. 
    2. Ensure that the information you input is accurate, as this is what will appear on the site. Click “Create” when you are finished.
  • You will now be sent one final email asking you to create your password for the site. 
    1. Follow the link provided within 1 hour of receipt and input a password in the space provided. The default password must be a minimum of eight characters long, containing at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter and one keyboard symbol. 
      1. If this is different, you will get a prompt to notify you what is missing.
    2. We recommend that you use a unique, memorable and hard-to-guess password, and make a note of it in a secure online file or physical document.
  • Once completed, you will be able to login and gain full access to Authority’s supplier interface.

N.B. If you have not received any of the emails, please check your Junk folder. Please allow 10 minutes for the email. 

If you still haven't received an email, please contact so the email can be re-triggered for you.

If you are part of an organisation that already exists on the Authority's portal, please ask your colleague to invite you to the portal. They can do this by following the instructions here.