Sending a Purchase Order

  • Go to the Costs tab to send the Purchase Order to the supplier.
  • Click on the button called Purchase Order, add your PO Number to the relevant field if required.
  • Click Create and email.
  • If the Supplier Estimate is amended in the Purchase Order, a reason for amending this can be given. 
  • A deliver by date can also be added which will then appear on both the purchase order itself and the suppliers Live Orders screen allowing the supplier to effectively prioritise their workload. 
  • Here, a message can be added to the supplier and attach any of the available documents which they need to fulfil the work, by ticking the box next to each of them (in the section called Attachments)
    • Please note, the supplier will need to log in to Panacea Software to access any files which are added as attachments to the email. This is to provide an added layer of security when sending emails from within Panacea.
  • At the bottom of the page hit Send to send the email with the Purchase Order to the supplier.
  • You can send a Nudge to a Supplier:
    • This allows you to give a gentle reminder/ask a question relating to the job.
    • Within the job bag, head to the Costs tab. 
    • Next to the costs, you can select Nudges and type in your question/comment to the supplier. 

*You can make the PO field mandatory in the Purchase Order email to the supplier. This will prevent any order from going out to the supplier without a PO Number being raised beforehand. Please contact our Support Team if you wish to enable this function.

Cancelling a Purchase Order

  • After sending a Purchase Order to a supplier, you can cancel the PO if the cost is no longer going ahead/amendments need to be made.
  • In the Costs tab of the job, click into the cost.
  • Untick the Approved checkbox and click Update and Close.
  • You will now be able to select Cancel Purchase Order.
  • This will send an email to the supplier notifying them that the PO has been cancelled, and the cost will be set to an unapproved cost (Provisional Enquiry).