Adding a new template

  • Under Settings on the left hand panel, select Schedule Templates.
  • At the bottom of the page, fill out the form and click Add new template

  • Click Manage against the new entry to add tasks, and manage details of the task. 
  • Complete the Title, User for task and Time before delivery. The User for task will select the named person in the main details of the job. 
  • Duration can be assigned to a task, and tasks with durations are pulled into Resource Scheduler. 
  • Flagging a schedule adds a warning symbol next to it, if a task needs to be highlighted or checked at a later date.

  • Click Add new schedule item to add this step to the schedule - Schedule templates will list the date of creation, the user who created it, and the date it was last modified and by who.
  • Repeat this process for every task you wish to appear in the schedule.
  • You don't need to add a 'Delivery' item as this will be added automatically.

If you need to attach a new template to a catalogue item please contact the Panacea Support team (


Setting up a default template

  • To make your new schedule template the default schedule for any new jobs that are added, navigate to the top of the page, and select your template from the pull down menu. Click on Save Settings.