• Go to Authorisers under Settings.
  • Click New Authoriser in the top left hand corner, then select their name from the drop down box.
  • Use the View button to see details, or the Add button to make them an authoriser.


Group or single authorisers:

  • After selecting New Authoriser, at the bottom of the new authoriser page is an option to ‘send authorisation request to default group’.
  • If this is not selected, the client can choose from a group of potential authorisers.
  • If it is selected, the request for authorisation goes out to all authorisers (of the company/department/section).


Edit an authoriser:

  • To edit what an authoriser can do, head to the Authorisers page and click Edit for the user you would like to edit.
  • You can now select what the authoriser is able to authorise.
  • You can change the departments and sections that they can authorise – tick the All checkbox if they are able to authorise any department.
  • Add a maximum value to limit the cost of what they can authorise.
  • Then click Update.

NB. If the authoriser has not yet authorised an item or the order is still in the checkout you cannot edit the authoriser.


Delete an authoriser:

  • To delete an authoriser, head to the Authorisers page and click Delete for the user you would like to remove.

NB. If the authoriser has not yet authorised an item or the order is still in the checkout you cannot delete an authoriser.