Setting up emails

Panacea Software sends email notifications including, for example, requirements or instructions from one user to another, purchase orders and client estimates. There are three ways emails can be sent from Panacea, depending on your requirements.

1. Email notifications to be sent from the logged-in user. 

Panacea’s email server: ‘’ should be added as a trusted mail relay for Outbound and Inbound emails to prevent mail from the software from being blocked as spoof emails. If you have a spam filter, such as MessageLabs, the appropriate changes should be made to this filter to allow emails through from the ‘’ email server.

‘’ may need to be added to domain SPF records to allow the Panacea email server as a trusted relay.

You can also whitelist our servers Live site: & Test site:

2. Emails to be sent from a generic email address

If you are unable to open up your SPF records to third party servers, a generic email address can be set up by your organisation to allow emails from this email address to be received from our mail server (as above, using the SPF records).

How this would work 

  • The sender for all emails will be the generic email address
  • The “From” details on the email will specify the logged in users namd and email address on behalf of the generic email address e.g Generic on behalf of Support
  • The reply to email address will be that of the logged in user e.g Support, and all replies will be received by them

3. Emails to be sent from a generic Panacea email address 

Alternatively, we can provide you with a generic Panacea email address e.g