If you use Supplier Call-off Purchase Orders, you can now manage this in Panacea. To get this enabled, please contact our friendly support team on support@panacea-software.com, or give us a call on 0207 976 0116

Enabling the Supplier Call-off Purchase Orders activates an additional tab in Settings on the Supplier organisation record. 

  • Details of Call-off Purchase orders are recorded in the 'Call-off Orders' tab under 'Settings'.
  • When raising the Purchase Order, you will be able to select the call-off Purchase Order number for that cost by clicking on the link, or manually entering it*. 
  • The Purchase Order number will be displayed on the Order Confirmation sent to the supplier.
  • The cost of the order will be deducted from the balance of the Call-off Purchase Order displayed on the organisations record.

*You can make the PO field mandatory in the Purchase Order email to the supplier. This will prompt your team to select the PO Number amongst the available call-off orders when sending the email out, ensuring that the order amount is always deducted from the Call-off balance.

Please contact our Support Team if you wish to enable this function.