Accepting a user account request:

  • When someone requests a new account on the software you will see an alert on your home screen.
  • This will take you to the 'Account Requests' screen (which can also be accessed via Contact s> Accounts Request)
  • Click on the Create User link to review the request.
  • A pop-up will open, here you can either add the contact to an existing organisation or create a new organisation.
    • Do not click the New Organisation button unless you cannot see the requester's organisation in the list of existing organisations below. This is very important to avoid duplicate records.
  • Below the user details you will see a list of existing organisations showing those on your database which have similar contact details to those of the person requesting an account. 
  • If the organisation already exists select them from this list by clicking on the company name.
  • If you know the organisation already exists but you cannot see them in this list, select "Other Organisation" at the bottom to select the organisation in the Create User screen.
  • Only if you are sure that the requester's organisation is not already on the site should you click the Add Organisation button.

If you select an Existing Organisation, you will be taken to the Create User screen.

  • Select the correct user role to give this contact the permissions they need
  • Select the relevant Contact type
  • Check their details 
  • Click the Create User button
  • An email will be sent to the supplier to allow them to create their password and log in to their new account.

If you add a New Organisation, you will first be taken to a new organisation screen:

  • Check their details and select the correct the organisation type (Supplier / Client)
  • When you are happy click the Add button.
  • Check the settings in every tab to make sure they are configured as required.
  • This will take you to the Create User screen above.


The “History” tab will display all site activity associated with user account requests and locked accounts.

This will show:

  • When Account Requests are made
  • When Account Requests are processed (including links to the relevant contact and organisation profile)
  • When an Account Request is rejected
  • When an Account is locked
  • When a Key User unlocks an account