It is important that you do the following in the order shown (if you cancel the original cost before adding a new one, the job will automatically be completed).

1) From the Cost Tab of the Job bag, add a brand new cost and select your specifications;

Leave a note in the 'Notes for Supplier' box:
  • Choose the new supplier in the Cost Supplier Section, from the drop down menu 
  • Once happy with the details provided, click Approve and Close.

2) If adding an adjustment cost (non T&I cost that goes through the calendar/appointment & jobs workflow), click into the cost and from within the cost (When ready) click Approve for payment
  • If its a T&I cost, in the previous step once you've approved it, an email will automatically be sent to the supplier to accept or reject the booking. Alternatively, you can accept or reject on behalf of the supplier.

3) In your original booking cost:
Click Cancel Appointment. 
  • Select Cancellation Reason:
  • Add a note to explain to the cancellation reason.
  • Choose either 'Send Cancellation' or 'Cancel appointment no fee is chargeable', 
  • Click 'Update and Close'

  • Re-open the new cost.
  • Amend as necessary to include the travel cost.
  • Approve for payment (using the button shown in the screenshot).
  • Update and Close the cost.

4) In order for this job to be charged, you need to manually complete it (if you've not added a T&I booking cost). To do this:
  • In the Main Details tab tick the 'Completed' checkbox.
  • Update.