Project Calendar

  • Head to either Projects > Project Calendar or press P-Calendar from the top-menu.

  • The Project Calendar allows you to see a complete overview of all current projects (each project has a colour assigned to it which can be edited).

  • You can click a project in the calendar to be given an overview and by clicking Go To Project you can be taken to the project itself.

  • If the configuration is enabled events will appear in the project calendar, but not vice versa. 

  • Within the project calendar you can filter what appears by selecting options using the three search bars at the top of the page these filter by:

    • Label

    • Portfolio

    • Events/ projects/ events and projects

Capacity Checker

Before creating a new project you can use the Capacity Checker to check whether you have capacity to undertake the project

  • Head to Projects > Capacity Checker

  • View the current working capacity (number of team members and how many days of work they have capacity for - you can press Edit to amend this)

  • Specify the Start date, Deadline Date and estimated Days of work and press Check Capacity

  • The system will then provide a list of all projects that overlap in the date period with the the estimated number of days to work and the capacity required

  • The system will then tell you the current output capacity, and whether there is capacity to schedule this project in