Space Scheduler allows users to allocate & manage bookings (e.g. advertising, vehicle hire, room bookings), and these bookings can be linked to a job. 

View Bookings:

You have the ability to amend the Space Scheduler calendar view by the following time period/duration(s):

  • Day: allows you to see bookings broken down by the hour

  • Week: allows you to see a weekly view, with each day broken down into hours

  • Month: allows you to see a monthly view, broken down into each day

  • 6 months: default view & recommended view, allows you to see a 6 month view, broken down into each day

  • Year (day slots): allows you to see a year view, broken down into each day

  • Year (week slots): allows you to see a year view, broken down into each week

  • Year (month slots): allows you to see a year view, broken down into month

Add Bookings to Space Scheduler directly:

Go to Space Scheduler > Space Scheduler

  • Locate the item you’d like to book and the date of when you’d like to book it

  • Click into the date of the item you would like to book

  • If you have picked an item with a minimum duration e.g. 3 months, the end date will automatically be populated and you will not be able to change the end date.

  • Provide a description of the booking

  • Select the Client organisation & contact

  • Decide whether the booking needs sequential booking

    • e.g. the item has a block duration of a week, and the client books it for 3 weeks, then you’d input 3 in the space provided

  • Type in a job number to link it (if relevant)

  • Click Save

Add Bookings to Space Scheduler from the job bag

Within the job, click the Space Event button in the top menu bar

  • You’ll be taken to the Space Scheduler page

  • Select the item you’d like to book

  • Select the Client organisation & contact

  • Decide whether the booking needs sequential booking (e.g. the item has a block duration of a week, and the client books it for 3 weeks, then you’d input 3 in the box)

  • The job number will automatically be populated

  • Click Save

Job Bag

If you have added a booking that is linked to a job, you can also view this booking within the job bag itself.

Within the job itself, head to the 'Space Events' tab where you can view all bookings that have been connected with the job.