Space Scheduler is split into 3 levels:

  1. Categories

  2. Sections 

  3. Items - the items are what you are able to book, the categories and sections allow you to manage/filter/group items

Space Scheduler Items

The third level in Space Scheduler - this is what can be booked.

To create a new item:

  • Go to Space Scheduler > Space Items > Click Add New Item

  • Select the relevant category and corresponding section the item falls under

  • Give the item a name

  • Give the item a description (this will also be visible in the Space Scheduler)

  • You can include an Image URL

  • Specify a Block Unit & Duration - i.e. how long a booking for that item would be for

    • Options include: None, Months (you can specify a default starting day of the month), Weeks (you can specify a default starting day of the week), Days, Hours, Seconds

  • Click Add

  • You can archive an item (hide it from view, but not delete it), edit the item and delete the item(as long as there are no active bookings attached to it)
    • e.g. Homepage; Cover-page; Room 401
  • You can download as an excel spreadsheet
  • You can pick the number of entries you would like shown by using the Show Entries drop down list
  • You can search for specific entries by using the search bar.