Reports > Expenditure by Time

What does this Report do/show?

This report shows expenditure by time spent on jobs by different time sheet users.

It includes client organisation/department/section/contactaccountproject namejob numberjob titlejob scheduled start/end datejob statuscategorytype of worktimesheet usertime spent and cost.

The summary report includes job and project totals and approved client estimate.

The breakdown report includes cost codecharging type and cost stage. The breakdown report also includes 2 other spreadsheets within the workbook:

  • Totals per Job – This shows the same information but is summarised by job (no individual costs) and includes the Project Manager for that job.
  • Client Summary – This includes client organisation/department/section, cost code, budget valuebudget spentbudget balance. Within both the "Client Summary" and "Totals per Job" tap there is a column for "External Supplier Total" which is populated by the "Supplier Estimate Total" that can be found in the Job bag. This will show the totals per job for external suppliers (not including those considered 'Internal suppliers').


You may filter by the following options for a more specific report.

  • Client organisation/department/section
  • Cost/budget code
  • Client contact
  • Cost stage
  • Timesheet user
  • Project
  • Job
  • Job status – active and/or completed
  • Date range
  • Include descriptions – Tick this optional box to include details of the jobs
  • Report level
    • Summary 
    • Breakdown – This includes additional information and 2 additional reports (mentioned above)