Reports > Charging Export

You use this report to create charging batch files to be sent to your finance system. You can choose between an internal or external batch type. There is also a filter on the export screen, which enables you to include/exclude certain cost stages/cost descriptions (eg. advertising, postage, print etc.) from the charging process.

Once you have chosen, you can then select to specify an account or to include all accounts.

Then you are able to preview the batch or create new.


You can also create a list of problem jobs by clicking List problem jobs at the top of the page. This is a list of completed jobs which cannot be charged as it does not meet certain criteria. These reasons will be indicated on the list.


At the bottom of the page, you can also view batch history. You can choose the date range to view history for, the type of batch, as well as if you would like to include deleted batches in the history.

You can view the batch name; when it was created; type; current status (e.g. pending, completed, etc.); and date of completion.

If you click on a batch name, you can download the summary report.