User's with the relevant permissions can access the User Activity Log. The User Activity Log can be found on the left hand menu underneath the menu item Contacts

The User Activity Log allows users to see an audit log for contacts/organisations on the site. Examples of what can be found in the log include: when a user logins (or fails to login); when the Forgot your password is triggered; when a contacts details are amended; when an organisations details are amended; when user account requests are processed; when a users user role is changed. 

Search features at the top of the page allow the user to limit the information that appears in the log. Any information on screen can be directly pulled into a report using the 'Excel' and 'PDF' buttons at the top right of the screen. Only information represented on the screen at the time of pressing will be pulled into the report.

User's can search by: 

  • Date - Use the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' to select a period of time in which to view all user activity. Limiting the time frame is recommended owing the large number of entries that may appear.
  • Event Type - Search by a specific type of event listed below:
    • User Account Request - Process create account: When a contact is created from a user account request.
    • User Account Request - Add record: Auto-accepted user account request.

    • Password Management: Password creation links being sent.

    • User's Role Changed

    • Login Process

    • Update: Any update to the profiles details.

    • Deleted: contact deleted.

  • Object Type - Search by a specific type of object listed below:

    • User Account Request

    • Logout

    • User Roles

    • Login, Login Failed

    • Forgotten Password

    • Users

  • Search - Typing into the search bar will remove any results below without that specific phrase. This is particularly useful for searching a specific contacts name but can also be used to search other phrases such as 'login'. 

NB: Longer selected time periods may result in slower times.