You will receive email notifications of the requests, which will contain the job number, a deadline estimate date, and details of the brief. N.B. you will have to click on the link and log in to view any attached files of the Quote Request. 

To respond to a quote request:

  • Click on the link supplied in the email.
  • Log into Panacea and click Quote Requests under ‘Supplier Interface’ within the left-hand side drop-down menu.
  • You will then see a list of all the requests you have received.
  • You will also be able to see the attached files of the Quote. 
  • To see the details of a request, click View.
  • This opens the 'Submit Quote Estimate' page, where you can view the job specifications. 
  • From here you can either enter your costs in the Price (£) box, or opt-out.
    • If you do opt-out you will still be able to opt-in until the quote is closed.
  • Click Submit to submit your quote to the client. 
    • Please note, you cannot edit the quote once it has been submitted.
  • If you need to ask the PM a question about a quote request you can send them a Nudge:

    NB: Files will stop showing 6 months after the deadline has passed, however the file will still be in the job bag. Please contact a PM if you need to access the file after 6 months
    • From your  Quote Requests screen, click into the specific request and press +Nudge from the top bar.
    • Type in your query and then press +Add Nudge - the PM will then be notified of your query.

To view your Quote:

If you wish to view your quote after sending it, go to the 'Quote Requests' screen. 

  • Untick the box named Awaiting Quotation and tick Estimate Submitted instead. 
  • Then click View against the quote that you wish to see.

View Outcome:

  • Quote successful - if your quote has been successfully chosen, you will get a green tick against the cost to indicate this. You will then receive a PO, dependant on approval.
  • Quote unsuccessful - if your quote has not been chosen, you will get a red cross against the cost to indicate this. This will only apply for costs where you have submitted a price, and another supplier has been chose.
  • Deadline missed - this means that you did not submit a quote in the required timeline. 
  • Opted-out - this indicates that you have opted out of the quote request .
  • Closed - this means that the quote request deadline has passed.