You can opt in and out of work through the 'Provisional Enquiries' and 'Live orders' screens in Supplier Interface.

Provisionally Accept

  • If you receive a Provisional Enquiry email there will be a link included that takes you through to the screen to either Accept or Opt-Out of the order.
  • Click View to review details of the order, and then Provisionally Accept or Opt-Out of the work.
  • All attachments for the job will be found under the 'Received Files' column within your 'Provisional Enquiry' screen.

Confirm Acceptance

  • If you receive an Order Confirmation email, there will be a link included to confirm acceptance of the order.
    • All attachments supplied for the job will be found under the 'Received Files' column in your 'Live Orders' screen. You will need to log into Panacea to view any files attached to the job.
    • If you have any questions regarding the job, please get in touch with your contact at the organisation.
  • Clicking the link will take you to the 'Live Orders' screen in Panacea, where you can review details of the order, upload files, and confirm acceptance. Note that by pressing Accept All in the Live Orders screen you are able to bulk accept orders (including old orders, etc.)
    • Within the 'Live Orders' screen, next to Orders there is also the option to utilise the search bar to find specific jobs by searching by job number/job title. 
    • Select Files, click Upload and then Select the file(s) you wish to upload - after selecting the file(s) they will be automatically added and you will be taken back to the 'Live Orders' screen.
    • Multiple files can be selected for upload at any time.
    • Selected files can be removed using the delete icon.
  • To view accepted orders go to the drop-down menu and select All Orders. 
    • You can continue to upload files, view the files that have been shared, and review the order details here.
    • The drop-down list on the Files button gives suppliers the option to Upload files and to View uploaded files. 
    • A number count on the button displays the number of supplier files currently uploaded.
  • To ask the PM a question about a specific job
    • From your Live Orders screen, next to the job you would like to query press the Nudge button (to the right of Upload Files).
    • Type in your query and then press +Add Nudge - the PM will then be notified automatically. 
    • You will receive a notification when they have responded to your query.
  • Order jobs in the live Orders screen.