Adding your prices to our software will ensure that you are automatically considered for standard orders. Prices are added to Panacea using our price matrices, which are configured to calculate important aspects of print and design.
Any non-standard orders are made via quote requests

Creating a new matrix

Downloading the matrix template

  • To download a new template, navigate to Supplier Interface > Prices and select the 'Add price matrix' tab.
  • Click on the relevant template(s), based on the services you offer, to begin the download process. 

Completing your matrix

  • Enter your prices only in the column of cells under the 'Unit Price £' heading. 
  • Please only input numbers into the yellow boxes, never put words or symbols as our system will not be able to read these.
  • If you don't offer an element, please mark an X or leave it blank
  • If you do offer it, and it is free of cost, please enter 0.
    • In the cases of putting prices in the run off columns, but you don't charge for make ready, please fill that column with 0 otherwise it will register it as a blank and therefore it understands that as it not being offered.
  • Once you have completed the matrix, upload it back to Panacea via the 'Add price matrix' tab.
  • You can test your prices in the 'Test Prices' tab.  

Updating an existing matrix 

  • To update your current prices, go to Supplier Interface > Prices and click the 'Review matrices' tab. You can then click on the link of your existing matrix to download it.
  • Edit the matrix, save your changes, and upload it back to Panacea via the 'Add price matrix' tab. 
  • You can test your prices in the 'Test Prices' tab.

Testing and activating your prices 

  • Select the 'Test Prices' tab and click Test Your Prices - a pop up window will open (ensure you have allowed this pop up). 
  • Fill in the specifications you wish to test and click Calculate
  • You will be able to view prices for your current Live matrix and the new In Development matrix. N.B. Make sure to Test Your Prices thoroughly before pressing Request Go Live, as after having done so, you will be required to honour your submitted prices. 
  • When you are ready for your prices to be activated, click the Request Go Live button in the 'Review Matrices' tab. 
  • After you press Request Go Live, you will receive a warning message asking if you would like to proceed. If you have tested thoroughly and are happy to proceed press 'Confirm'.