Before submitting your invoice to your client, you may be required to confirm delivery of your order.

  • To confirm delivery of your order, go to the 'Supplier Interface' on the left-hand side drop-down menu, and then click Delivery Confirmation
  • Here you will see a list of orders that are awaiting delivery confirmation.
  • Click View on the cost you wish to confirm delivery for, and complete the required information.
  • Click the Confirm button. 
    • This will automatically update the orders status to 'Delivered'. 
  • If you have any questions to ask the PM about the delivery of a job you can send them a Nudge.
    • From your Delivery Confirmation screen, click into the specific job and press +Nudge from the top bar.
    • Type in your query and then press +Add Nudge - the PM will then be notified of your query.

A notification will be sent to the Supplier Contact named on the cost, the Finance Contact, and the Primary Contact of the cost when the delivery is confirmed for that cost. 

If the client does not need to confirm receipt of the order, then you will now be able to submit an invoice from the 'Submit Invoices' screen, also located within Supplier Interface.

  • If the client is required to confirm receipt before invoice submission, then you will be able to submit an invoice once they have done so.
  • A similar notification will be sent to the Supplier Contact named on the cost, the Finance Contact, and the Primary Contact of the cost prompting the upload of an invoice triggered by the goods receipt confirmation. 

If you wish to add a Finance Contact to your Supplier Organisation you can request this from the administrators at the Local Authority only.

If the site offers you the ability to participate in Tender/ Sourcing Activities, you can update the Primary, Supplier and Finance contact via Participate > Company Details > Contacts > Settings.