The Contact Removal page allows you to filter for, and subsequently delete, inactive contacts. Inactive contacts, listed here, are contacts that have not logged in and/or are not named on any jobs or costs added before a certain date. These contacts can then be deleted. This feature is useful for GDPR compliance. 

  • Contacts > Contact Removal


Filtering contacts 

  1. Go to the menu option Contacts and select Contact Removal 
  2. Select a Contact Type (e.g. Client, Designer, Translator) from the drop-down and input an Inactive since date to filter the contacts accordingly. 

NB: Clicking on the contact name or organisation will take you to the users contact details page or organisation details page, respectively. 


Deleting a single contact

  1. Select the user by clicking on the contact and clicking Remove selected contacts.
  2. Read the warning message and click Confirm. 

NB: The deleted contact will no longer be displayed in the Contact Removal table OR in the Contact List. You can view the deleted contact in the Contact List by ticking the Show Deleted Users checkbox.


Deleting multiple contacts at once

  1. Select the users that are to be deleted by clicking on each contact: 
  2. To delete all users in the displayed list, click the checkbox in the top left corner:  

View History of deleted contacts

  1. Click on the View History button at the top right of the screen.
  2. This will display a list of the contact removal history. The table includes the date and time that the contact(s) were removed, the user who deleted the contact(s), the name of the deleted user(s) and the date they were inactive from.