Reports > Expendit. By Cost Code

What does this report do/show?

This report shows an analysis of expenditure based on cost codes.

It includes total expenditure and mark-up for each cost/budget code.

The summary report shows totals for each cost code.

The detailed report shows expenditure for each cost on each budget code. It includes job number and title, charging type, delivery date, client organisation/department/section/contact.


  • Client organisation/department/section
  • Client contact
  • Job charging type – select to only include either chargeable or non-chargeable jobs.
  • Date range
  • Cost/budget code
  • Report level
    • Summary – Shows only totals for each cost code.
    • Detailed – Shows individual costs within each budget/cost code.
  • Expenditure type
    • Actual Expenditure – includes costs that are Approved and Paid.
    • Projected Expenditure – includes costs that are Approved but not yet paid.