Reports > Expendit. by Cost Type

What does this report do/show?

This report shows an analysis of spending by different clients on different cost types.

It includes supplier cost, mark-up and total cost for each cost description within each GL code within each cost stage.


The summary report shows information summarised by cost description and cost stage.

The detailed report varies based on filters applied.

This report includes completed job onl


  • Client organisation/department/section
  • Client contact
  • Cost/budget code
  • Cost stage/description
  • GL Code
  • Supplier organisation
  • Supplier type – internal/external
  • Report By
    • Work Completed
    • Supplier Invoices Paid
    • Clients Invoiced or Charged    
      •  If Clients Invoiced or Charged is selected, you may also choose to Include expenditure from jobs with the status 'Do Not Charge' by using the check box which appears below.
  • Date range (The types of dates this refers to depends on the Report By filter selection)
    • Delivery Date range (if report by Work Completed)
    • Invoice Date range (if report by Supplier Invoices Paid)
    • Batch Creation Date range (if report by Clients Invoiced or Charged)
  • Report Level (What is shown by the levels depends on the Report By filter selection)        
    • If report by Work Completed or Supplier Invoices Created
      • Summary – sub-totals for each cost description and cost stage.
      • Detailed – shows individual jobs within each cost description. Including job number, job title and with sub-totals for each cost description/stage
    • If report by Clients Invoiced or Charged
      • Summary – sub-totals for each cost description and cost stage.
      • Detailed – shows individual jobs within each cost description. Including job number, job title, Batch No., Batch Creation and Completion Date.
  • Report Type (The options for type of report depend on the Report by filter selection
    • If report by Work Completed:
      • Projected Expenditure – Includes approved expenditure on live jobs
      • Actual Expenditure – Includes approved expenditure on completed jobs
    • If report by Supplier Invoices Created:
      • Report – view all paid supplier invoices
    • If report by Clients Invoiced or Charged:
      • Charged and Invoiced – Includes costs/expenditure on completed batches
      • Batch Pending Completion – Includes Costs/Expenditure on batched pending completion
      • Completed but not yet charged – Includes Costs on completed jobs which haven’t been charged or added to a batch (The detailed report will have no batch information)