Supplier Ranking enables users to detail the Rank of a supplier, suppliers with a higher Rank will be selected by the software for jobs first. Key User's have the option to define the priority of what suppliers are selected based upon in the Ranking Setup. Aside from Rank suppliers are selected against other criteria such as status as a Preferred Supplier, Price, and Distance. 

NB: Suppliers will have to be qualified against categories within a requirement in order to be Ranked.

Defining Supplier Ranking:

To set up supplier ranking the Key User must first head to the requirement and into the 'Categories' tab. In the Categories tab the Key User will be presented with a lost of all the 'Lots' (cost descriptions) relating to that requirement. Ranking is done per a cost description, suppliers can be ranked differently for each. 

Select a Cost Description to edit the rankings. Once a Cost Description has been selected click the heading 'Supplier Ranking':

Supplier Rankings:

The Key User will then be presented with a list of all the suppliers from that requirement that have been assigned that category and hence that Cost Description. These suppliers can then be ranked by inputting a number into the boxes next to their organisation name (0 being the lowest). 

  • Suppliers can be given the same rank this will mean:
    • They compete on the next highest priority of criteria (Preferred Supplier, Price, distance). 
    • Any preferred suppliers of the same rank will be prioritised in selection for jobs. 
  • Users have the option to refresh the list that appears in from them, putting the organisations into order by rank. 

Preferred Suppliers - To designate a supplier as Preferred the Key User must tick 'Is Preferred Supplier' on the organisations main details page. 

NB: To confirm the rank inputted click 'Save' next to the ranking box. 

Ranking Setup:

Ranking Setup can be found alongside Supplier Rankings following the same navigation. Under this heading the Key User attributes a priority order to the categories against which suppliers are selected (Rank, Preferred Supplier, Price, and Distance. 

These criteria are set on the software by default.:To change the order the criteria are prioritised edit the numbers in the boxes. Unlike with the organisations ranking, no two of these criteria can have the same rank.