Once you have submitted your time sheet, VAT-registered users are required to upload and submit an invoice.

A notification will be sent to the Supplier Contact named on the cost, the Finance Contact, and the Primary Contact of the job when the delivery is confirmed for that cost. 

Submitting your invoice

  • Within the 'Supplier Interface' drop-down menu, click Submit Invoices.
  • Press the Submit an Invoice button. 
  • Then input your 'Supplier invoice Number' and the 'Invoice date'.
  • Next to 'Scanned invoice document', click on Choose File and upload your Invoice.
  • Tick the cost the invoice relates to, input the invoice amount into the 'Supplier Invoice' field and select the correct VAT code from the 'Invoice Supplier VAT code' drop-down box. The 'Supplier Invoice total' will be automatically filled.
  • You can tick multiple costs at one time if you are submitting a single invoice for them and fill out all fields under 'Bulk Options' at the top right corner of the page:
    • To copy all 'Supplier estimate values' to the 'Supplier invoice' fields, click on the Populate all 'Supplier invoice' fields button.
    • Select the correct VAT code under 'Apply VAT rate to all costs' and click Apply, please ensure the correct VAT code has been selected as once the invoice is submitted this can't be changed. 
  • You will see the total of your selected cost(s) at the bottom of the page, both the net and the gross values. This must match the total in your uploaded file. The total of your invoice cannot exceed the Supplier Estimate value.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click Submit.
  • You have now successfully uploaded your timesheet and submitted your invoice.

Resubmitting invoices  

If there is an issue with the invoice you have submitted (for instance, you have selected the incorrect VAT amount, or the invoice number is incorrect), you can resubmit your invoice if it has not yet been processed.

To do this:

  • Navigate to Supplier Interface > Submit Invoices and select the Resubmit Invoice button next to the relevant invoice.
  • A pop-up window with appear asking you to confirm that you'd like to resubmit your invoice. This will mean you will need to provide the invoice number, file, and VAT information again.
  • Once confirmed, you can edit the details in the fields.

Key Users are able to do this on behalf of a supplier.

The T&I team will now verify your invoice and process your payment. If there is any issue with you invoice the T&I team will contact you.

If you have a query for the PM regarding an invoice:

  • From your Supplier Interface > Submit Invoices screen, click on the button labelled Submit an invoice. 
  • Click into the specific job and then click on the button labelled Nudge.
  • Type in your query and then press +Add Nudge - the PM will then be notified of your query.