Client places order through catalogue 

  • Go to the client catalogue and select Easy Read. 
  • Input a description of the work required. 
  • Upload any relevant files, select a delivery deadline and input a title of the request. 
  • Press Submit. This will take the job to the Pending tab. 
  • Project manager accepts the job from the Process Jobs tab. 

Alternatively, the project manager can add the job manually by doing the following: 

  • Click the Add job icon at the top of the quick action panel bar. 
  • Select a project from the drop-down.
  • Then, name the job and input a delivery date. 
  • From the Client Contact drop-down, select the client who you are ordering on behalf of. 
  • Select a project manager from the drop-down. 
  • Then click Add
  • Now, you need to add a cost to this job. To do this, click the add cost icon in the top panel. 
  • Manually add a quote request with the following details:

o   Stage: Translation 

o   Cost Type: Bespoke quote request

o   Bespoke Quote request: Easy Read Quote

o   Input a description of the work required 

o   Give the cost a title 

o   Then click Add and Close

Send quote request

  • Go to the Costs tab and click on the cost description to open up the Job Cost details.
  • Then use the arrow icons to select the suppliers you would like to send the quote to: 

  • Click Update and Close
  • Click Request Quotation

o   Input any relevant notes

o   Input a quote deadline date and time (after this time, the quote will be closed and the supplier will be unable to           submit their quote). 

o   Click on the Attachments button and tick the documents you would like to include in the quote request:

            o   Then click Send Quote


3. Supplier submits their quote 

  • Supplier logs in and navigates to Quote requests under the Supplier Interface tab
  • Click View
  • Input a quoted price (upload any relevant files and add any notes).
  • Click Submit

4. Project manager then selects supplier

  • Once the suppliers have all submitted their invoice, they will appear in the job cost details. 
  • Select the supplier you want for the job. 
  • Tick the Approve box and Click Update and Close 

5. Send purchase order to supplier 

  • Click the Purchase Order button in the cost tab. 
  • Input an optional email message. 
  • Attach any relevant documents by clicking on the Attachments button and ticking the tick boxes of the files you want to transfer. 
  • Then click Send. 

6. Supplier must then Accept the job 

  • Logged in as a supplier, go to the Live Orders page and click Accept. 

7. Supplier submits invoice

  • Go to Submit Invoices page under the Supplier Interface tab.
  • Click Submit an Invoice 
  • Tick the jobs which you want to invoice. 
  • Input the Supplier Invoice total (NB: It cannot be more than the supplier estimate). 
  • Input the Supplier Invoice number, invoice date and upload your invoice document.  
  • Click Submit