If you have been advised not to use Nudges to report cancellations, please contact the relevant Translation and Interpreting team via email.

To cancel an Interpreting appointment or a Translation booking within Panacea Software using Nudges.  Please follow the below steps.

  • Login to Panacea and head to Client Interface > Ordering > In Progress, and select the relevant job.
  • On the top bar above the job, you will see a button labelled Nudge - please click.
  • Select the Project Manager (under Recipient).
  • Within the Nudge Question field, please type in your request to cancel the appointment/booking and a reason as to why. Then click +Nudge.
  • The Project Manager will then be notified that you have requested to cancel your appointment, and will do so accordingly.
  • Once your appointment has been cancelled, you will receive a notification stating they have approved your request to cancel - as well as an email confirming this.