Key user's can access information on messages that fail to deliver when sending a Release. After sending a Release users can access further information on the release by clicking 'View Stats/Status' on the Action drop down to the left of the release title. 

After clicking on 'View Stats/Status' scroll down to the box labelled 'Recipients'. On the table below is information on each individual message sent as part of the wider release. The table provides the following information: 

The final two columns provide information on the type of 'Bounce', either hard or soft. A hard bounce represents an email that no longer exists, a soft bounce represents issues such as the email being marked as spam.

Using the 'Columns' button on the top left of the table the table columns can be selected (and deselected) to provide the specific information the user requires. This is then downloadable into a report using the adjacent button. The information seen on screen in the table is the information that will be pulled into the report. 

NB: Some email providers may block this information so not every undelivered email will have bounce information.